~ Canadian Content Creator ~

Sharing everything from organizational tips, styling and decor tips and DIY’s + Cricut fun!

It’s an Honest + Positive Vibes kinda space!

Now on Repeat..

Energy (Lucky me)

Inside thoughts, out loud - S.2 Epi 14 - Is it a hard choice? Man or Bear - Lost in woods scenario

Inside thoughts, out loud - S.2 Epi 14 - Is it a hard choice? Man or Bear - Lost in woods scenario

Welcome to season 2 of ❝Inside Thoughts, Out Loud❞ the Podcast!!

This is episode 14! Today we’re sharing our thoughts on the currently popular (via Tik Tok) question of man vs bear…as a woman or as a father to a daughter or as a husband with a wife, would you rather she be alone lost in the woods with a man or a bear??  Lets talk about it!

Share your thoughts on the topic TODAY!

We hope you enjoy this episode!


Music By:


Music: Gaming Room

Musician: EnjoyMusic

Site: https://enjoymusic.ai


Find Us here:


IG - https://instagram.com/inside.thoughts.out.loud?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Tik Tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@inside.thoughts.out.loud?_t=8bM7BeiUxXC&_r=1


Find us on Apple podcasts & Spotify at inside thoughts out loud!

Inside thoughts, out loud - S.2 Epi 13 - A Cowboy, A retrograde & a solar eclipse chaotic discussion

Inside thoughts, out loud - S.2 Epi 13 - A Cowboy, A retrograde & a solar eclipse chaotic discussion